5-Day Summer Camp
When: July 7 – 11th
Time: 10am – 12pm
Ages: 5 – 12 years old
Cost: $15 for per child.
Includes snack each day.
Games, Bible Lessons, Memory Verse!
Registration can be done online or at the camp!
 To pay online at www.berwynbaptist.org:
Click on the blue donate button in upper right corner of screen. Click the blue word “donate”  in middle of page. Type in amount you are paying (add $2 processing fee when paying online).
Campamento de Biblia
Los niños harán presentaciones dramáticas basadas en las historias bíblicas que aprenden, jugarán juegos divertidos, cantarán canciones y disfrutarán de una merienda todos los días.
Del 7 al 11 de Julio, 10am a 12pm
Edades 5 – 12 años. Costo: 15$ por niño (Incluye el tentempié cada día)
¡Regístrese y pague en línea en www.berwynbaptist.org! Haga clic en el botón azul de donar en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Haga clic en azul de donar en medio de la página. Escriba la cantidad que está pagando (agregue 2$ por costo de procesamiento,  que pague en línea
Berwyn Baptist Church 2025 Summer Camp Registration
  1. #5-Day Summer Camp, July 7- 11, 10am-12pm, $15 per child (incl. snack), (5-12 years old)
Contact Information
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  3. (required)
  4. (required)
  5. (required)
  6. (valid email required)
Child #1 (niña #1)
  1. Sex
Child #2 (niña #2)
  1. Sex
Child #3 (niña #3)
  1. Sex
Child #4 (niña #4)
  1. Sex
Child #5
  1. Sex
Terms & Conditions (términos y condiciones)
  1. 1) I understanding that my child/children may particpate in physical activities which have the risk of injury and/or death. I fully accept this risk and hold harmless from any legal, financial or any other liability, Berwyn Baptist Church or any person or members involved with Berwyn Baptist Church or who are asisting in the ministry at Berwyn Baptist either on-site or off site.
  2. 2) In the event of a medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me or my emergency contact. However, if I we cannot be reached. I give my permission to the volunteers to secure the services of medical personnel to provide the care necessary for my child's well being. I assume responsibilty for all costs connected to any accident or treatment of my child.
  3. 3) I give permission for photographs and/or audio/videos of my child to be taken and used for publications/promotionals/websites.
  4. 4) Children should wear clothing each day that can get wet, dirty or torn.
  5. 5) All toys and electronics should remain at home.
  6. (required)
  8. Number of Children:
  9. Total Due $
  10. Total Paid $
  11. Cash Y N / Check #____________________________